- School
- Academics
A Foundation of Faith
Focused on Excellence
Vincentian Education is:
- Excellent - Places quality at the center of educational activities
- Holistic - Educates the heart, spirit, and mind
- Integrated - Blends the abstract with the practical
- Creative and Flexible - Seeks to meet the needs of a diverse student population
- Collaborative - Engages in cooperative endeavors with parents, students and faculty
- Focused - Strives to model St. Vincent de Paul and his mission of service to the poor
Elementary School Academics
Accelerated Reader is now online. Each family has a password that tells how to access the web-based program and check the progress of their child. This password allows you to see how many and which books your child has read. Kindergarten will begin using this program a bit later in the year in case you are wondering why your child has not taken a test yet. This takes time to teach our youngest students.
AR app for the iphone: There is an app available for iphones that will allow parents to check the progress of our independent reading at SVES during the school year. The app is called K-12 Activity. This is a free widget for AR. If you click on the little i in the bottom right corner you will be able to enter our school access code: SVES-4KC. This will show you each day how many books were read and tested over using our AR program.
Differentiated Instruction is the concept of tailoring instruction to fit the needs of each student. All students learn at different rates, and ability levels and St. Vincent Elementary School prides itself on ensuring that every student has an educational plan that is both customized to fit the students individualized needs and challenging to maximize potential. The SV Elementary School employs one Learning Consultant and one Academic Resource Teacher that assess the progress of each student and helps create individualized education plans to meet goals. These Learning Consultant and Academic Resource Teacher work directly with both the teachers and students to assist in creating and implementing classroom strategies for students.
St. Vincent Elementary School also partners with the MO Department of Education and receives funding called Title 1 which is used to employ two teachers in the elementary school who work directly with students who are in need of improvements in key areas like reading and language arts. These Title 1 Teachers work with students on a one on one basis and also in small groups in addition to the regular instructional program and provide assistance to both the classroom teachers and parents.
Through the wonderful generosity of the St. Vincent Educational Foundation, the elementary school has been able to utilize a comprehensive math supplemental program called Renaissance Math. This online program produces strategic lessons, strategies and best practices in the field of math while also assisting teachers in tracking the overall progress and development of each student. Students access the program online and have individualized lesson plans that are customized to each particular student based on his or her ability level. The program also produces weekly, monthly and yearly assessments to assist in the planning of the regular math curriculum.
Junior & Senior High School Academics
The SV Student Handbook and Agenda must be carried with students at all times while in school. Its purpose is to help students become more organized, which will help them academically. The agenda also has useful information about school regulations and resources the students can utilize. The handbooks are donated by the sponsors on the back of the cover and there is no additional cost to parents or students. If a student loses their handbook they will have to pay the $10 replacement cost for the handbook, payable to SVHS. Due to space, not every infraction and/or school policy can be listed in this handbook. Some policies, decisions, etc., not included in this handbook are left up to the discretion of the school administration. The administration of St. Vincent High School reserves the right to revise the handbook at any time during the school year to correct an error or to address any unforeseen circumstance.
Students will:
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of accounting principles, concepts, and procedures.
- Identify the basic legal principles relevant to their roles as citizens, consumers, and employees through a mixture of personal, business, and consumer law.
- Develop the qualities, knowledge, and skills necessary to succeed in business.
- Identify the concepts associated with business applications on the computer.
- Analyze the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth in human society which affects our everyday life.
- Recognize multimedia concepts and graphic design principles and learn to work with graphics.
- Discuss how business works in today’s society and develop a foundation for other business courses.
- Apply money and economic concepts to the development of personal financial goals.
Students will:
- Classify, analyze, and evaluate works of literature and media.
- Communicate ideas effectively using various types of media.
- Modify writing styles for a variety of purposes.
- Produce written and oral presentations aimed at a variety of audiences.
- Explore and analyze the relationship between works of literature and their historical and cultural influences.
- Practice planning, drafting, and revising skills for all writing assignments.
- Demonstrate mastery of basic and advanced grammar techniques.
- Work toward AR goals to establish life-long reading habits.
- Six Traits of Writing - LINK
Students will:
- Recognize the interdependence of the fine arts with other areas of the curriculum.
- Develop skills and knowledge that will enable the student to become a consumer, performer, and/or creator of fine arts.
- Demonstrate an awareness of viewing methods, listening, talking, and writing about the fine arts.
- Use and relate the fine arts contributions of all cultures, past and present, with a vision of the future.
Students will:
- Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
- Articulate movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
- Participate regularly in physical activity.
- Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
- Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in activity settings.
- Identify the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
- Articulate the methods needed to measure body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance and strength.
- Exhibit skill-related components such as agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time and speed.
- Identify the adjustments needed to make to compensate for differences in individual abilities.
Students will:
- Relate mathematical equations and vocabulary to real-world situations to solve a variety of problems.
- Solve and be able to explain solutions to problems through deductive, inductive, and spatial reasoning.
- Develop number sense for fractions and decimals and be able to apply them to their everyday lives.
- Relate algebraic, geometric, and trigonometric concepts to a variety of problems.
- Interpret data and evaluate statistics and probability.
- Identify patterns and relationships and justify potential outcomes for equations.
- Develop and apply estimation strategies in working with measurements, quantities, computation, and problem-solving.
- Use instruments, tools, technology, and formulas to solve a variety of problems.
Students will:
- Discuss the meaning of the Triune God and the activity of the persons of the Trinity in their lives.
- Demonstrate the importance of a personal relationship with God in their lives and the life of the community.
- Discuss the meaning of Jesus, His life and teachings and recognize Jesus as their Savior and model for Christian living.
- Describe how the Church carries out Jesus’ mission of message, community, worship and service.
- Describe the structure and function of the Church in the world, the role of Mary and the saints.
- Describe key developments in the history of the Church.
- Participate in the worship of the faith community, use a variety of prayer forms to enrich and express personal and communal spirituality.
- Plan liturgy and prayer experiences with appropriate resources.
- Participate in the liturgical seasons, feasts, saint days, Marian devotions, and sacramentals.
- Participate in the sacramental life of the Church, recognizing the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Christian life.
- Express an understanding of the nature, importance, and ritual of the seven sacraments.
- Demonstrate understanding of authentic Catholic teachings as promulgated by the Magisterium of the Church.
- Apply these teachings to all life situations.
- Read, interpret, and apply Scripture to their lives.
- Make moral decisions consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
- Exhibit respect for life towards self, others, and creation.
- Exercise responsible stewardship for the gift of creation.
- Share their time, talent, and treasures in service to the community and evaluate societal structures in light of Catholic social justice principles.
- Exhibit a welcoming and inviting attitude towards all persons encountered in the broader community
- Share their Catholic identity, beliefs, and practices.
Students will:
- Demonstrate problem-solving skills using the scientific method.
- Use technology properly to collect, analyze, and report data.
- Be able to apply the principles of physics and chemistry in all aspects of life.
- Recognize the ever-changing nature of science.
- Explain the importance of conserving natural resources and the environment.
- Describe how science applies to their individual lives.
- Apply scientific knowledge to foster Christian values.
- Relate how living organisms are important within the interactions of ecosystems.
- Summarize the structural and functional aspects of living organisms.
Students will:
- Utilize the tools of social studies inquiry (documents, maps, statistics, etc.).
- Identify people, places, and events that define geography and history.
- Examine various world cultures and how this diversity has made an impact on the world today.
- Investigate and evaluate the evolution of government systems in the United States and the world.
- Recognize the rights and responsibilities of citizens of the United States.
- Give examples of global connections affecting cultural, economic, and political factors in history.
- Evaluate how science and technology have affected society.
- Differentiate between world economic systems.
- Demonstrate how individuals, groups, and institutions have affected society.
Students will:
- Engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
- Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
- Reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
- Acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- Demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
- Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
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